The last few days at school were pasta days!
Hard to beat good pasta. Really, who doesn't like pasta? It's addicting in its chewiness, salinity, sauce accompaniments, aroma and taste. It was also particularly exciting to learn the basics because now, I can practice without feeling like I'm lost in the dough.
Lost in it "not coming together" properly. So, get ready for a pasta frenzy. You need it? I'll come make it. I wanna be the best. Which is a good thing considering, to master the art of it is quite a challenge and on top of that a coveted position at restaurants around the globe. But, I haven't been making it my whole life like most of those people have, so I have a lot to work on.
Our Chef Haley Stevens whipped up a bunch of different little shapes to show us, and man was that a sight. Seriously, a total motivator.
We began small, with simple fresh egg pasta or pasta all'uovo, then moved into colored pastas like pasta verde which gets is brilliant green from spinach, and of course the mystical black pasta, pasta al nero di seppia, which is colored with squid ink. Thirdly, was a pasta with just water and semolina flour, used to make a variety of shapes and sizes of pasta, but we practiced our Oreccchiette (little ears). I personally like this one best because of the ease of mailability as well as it's "coming together" properties.
Really, these have been great days to be in the kitchen. Flurries of activity, smiles and it puts everyone in a good mood when we get to work with our hands. However, the best was yet to come for some of us on Wednesday.
We rushed downstairs to get seats, but alas, we were forced to stand on stools in the back of the auditorium. He lectured, reminisced and regaled us with old tales and lovely fragrances from the stove at the helm of the room. Walking into the room as he removed the skin, deboned and essentially used every part of a duck, was actually quite amazing. Not only that, there were samples for everyone.
The smell of the duck skin roasting in the oven, well, it was sublime. Excitement enveloped the room as he handed out tastes of duck breast ladled from a saute pan. Food made with his own hands. Once in a lifetime, you might say.
It has been all around extremely educational. Waking up at the crack of dawn to learn Italiano, rushing to the kitchens upstairs to begin pasta class, then hurrying down to watch a master chef prepare amazingly wonderful food. I've got to say, just like the pasta, "its all coming together" slowly, but surely.
Thursday was Lasagna day, which also caused a buzz around the school. People were coming in with Tupperware for leftovers, and delivering the personal sizes to different departments cause some to nearly faint. Needless to say, it was pretty damn good. We used our fresh made Spinach Pasta, Bacemmella, Ragu di Carne and grated Parmigiano. Delicious, and really pretty color contrast.
Here is a simple recipe for you to try! Making pasta can be easy, fun and fast, but practice will definitely make perfect. I'll be right along side you, believe me.
Pasta Verde (Green Pasta)
Y. 1 pound of dough
By: The Italian Culinary Academy
225 g (8 oz) 00 Flour - very low gluten flour from Italy
2 fresh eggs
70 g (2 1/2 oz) blanched, chilled, drained fresh Spinach
10 g (1/3 oz) Extra Virgin Olive Oil
Semolina flour, for kneading and rolling
1. Food Processor method - yields a speckled pasta.
Place Eggs, spinach, salt and Olive oil in food processor bowl. Blend until smooth. Add Flour.
The dough should just be coming together in a ball.
2. Knead on cold surface for 4 to 6 minutes until smooth. (like a baby's bottom, a term actually used in class today.)
3. Divide in half and wrap with plastic wrap immediately (or it will dry out) and refrigerate for 30 minutes, if not using right away. You can leave it out of the fridge if you will roll it out within the hour. Just let it rest of 30 minutes.
5. If you roll it out with a rolling pin, just make sure to have enough bench flour so it doesn't stick and rip.
6. Pot of boiling salted water, drop in for 1 to 2 minutes.
7. Remove from water and put directly into sauce of your choice. Preferably a light in flavor sauce. We used butter and sage with a little pepper. But really, it's a personal thing.
Eventually, it will all come together. I promise. (But here's hoping!)
Oh there truly is nothing more lovely than a well made pasta!
Your pics are great and you can feel your excitement! Well done
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