I had written about XX and XY. Because women double down with their chromosomes, and thats kinda awesome.
I was going to write about the roman numeral X, being that we are nearing the 10th year of this century. What were you doing 10 years ago? I was hiding from people in the bathroom my freshman year of High School. Good times.
I had hopes of really going there and discussing the triple of X's. But who didn't?
I could talk about X boyfriends. But thats really not a fun bag of nuts I wanted to open.
I maybe could have gone sci-fi and talked X-files. But I don't really know anything about it, thank goodness.
The point is, X has been the hardest letter to find a topic on. A puzzling, tricky little bugger I have worked tireless hours to crack. It is yielding no reward as of yet.
There are very few X foods, unless they are of Chinese origin or some chemical made from corn, I presume.
There are even fewer X diseases or health related issues.
There is Xenophila which is what I fancy myself classified as often times.
But I couldn't really make a deep cut with the X.
I wrote 3 other posts about X type things that will never be read because, quite honestly, I just wasn't feeling it. Also they really aren't any good.
I didn't want to do X-mas, because, it is not only politically incorrect, but it's too obvious, and far to "holiday season-y" for me right now. So no ho ho ho-ing for the time being.
So, I'll jump cut the X, which is by coincidence the key I use on my keyboard to do so, and think of something else.
Geeze, Even the section in the dictionary for X is short.
Too bad. X's get far too little play.
So in honor of X, here is my X-ceptional recipe for X-traordinary X-quisitely beautiful X-tra delicious Toasty Oaty Fruit Bars.
Not only are they healthy (in a good way), but they are high in fiber, low in fat and kcals, packed with nutritional powerhouses like dried blueberries and oats, but can be modified in so many different ways! Plus, they are Joel's all time favorite besides Sandy's Date Bread, so Happy X-mas to everyone! (ah damnit....)
Toasty Oaty Fruit Bars
By Joy Jenkins
Makes about 12 bars
3 Large Organic Banana's - mashed together until smooth
2 Tbl Vegan Margarine - Earth Balance - Melted
3 Tbl Organic Soy milk
2 Tsp. Organic Vanilla extract
1/2 cup Grade B Organic Maple Syrup
1/2 cup Organic Brown Sugar Firmly Packed
3 Tbl Organic Orange Juice
4 oz Organic Soy Yogurt (I like to use the thick kinds if you can find it) - can be flavored but plain is fine too
1 1/4 cup All-Purpose Organic Unbleached Whole Wheat Flour
1 1/2 tsp baking soda
1 1/2 tsp Organic Cinnamon
1 tsp Freshly grated Nutmeg
1 tbl Ground Organic Flaxseed
1/4 tsp Sea Salt
3 cups Old Fashioned Rolled Oats, uncooked
1/2 cup Organic Dried Blueberries (no sugar added)
1/4 cup Organic Dried Cranberries (no sugar added)
1/4 cup Organic Dried Cherries (no sugar added)
Any mix you prefer, you could do nuts, or raisins, or chocolate chips if you want, just has to equal 1 cup.
1. Preheat Oven to 350 F.
2. Blend first 8 Ingredients together until smooth. Mix well
4. Add flour mixture to banana yogurt mixture and mix well.
5. Stir in Oats and Dried fruit until well incorporated. Should be thick.
6. Using a 12 x 9 inch baking pan, spread mixture evenly.
7. Bake in oven for 32 - 34 minutes on the middle rack of the oven. Should be light golden brown.
8. Once baked remove from oven and let cool to room temperature.
9. Once cooled, turn out of pan and cut into squares or rectangles or triangles, whatever you want!
10. EAT! ENJOY! If you want, frost them... they are sooooo tasty.
Did I also mention egg free, dairy free (ie Vegan), low in sodium, high in potassium and better for you than a regular granola bar? Yeah, they are ultra amazing.
Yeah your oat bars are my fav. One correction, i love that date bread, but only at Christmas. Your bars I love all year.
X marks the spot in my stomach where these amazingly tasty granola bars should be, but do tell about the X boyfriends
Great photos by the way, really catches the quailty of the food.
Sooo, I finally made these tasty little puppies! Used strawberry soy yogurt because that's what I had available...delicious! Multiple friends have concurred. Very filling and nice combination of sweet with a tinge of spiciness from the cinnanmon and nutmeg. My one comment thought,I had a really hard time finding unsweetened dried blueberries/ cranberries/ cherries. Not that they're not out there, (i would know, I consume dried fruit like it's my job), but when it came time to make this recipe, Whole Foods and Sprouts only had sweetened w/ cane sugar dried fruit. So that's what I used. I guess I was curious what it would taste like if I had used fresh blueberries in there? What do you think for next time?
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