Activity means something different for everyone. It could mean running 5 miles in the morning, it could mean taking your dog for a walk in the evening after work, it could also mean going to a yoga class. For me, since I lack the ambition to run, and do not own a dog, I choose yoga. Not that this is the only list to choose from obviously. Swimming, biking, hiking, running, free weights, kick boxing, jazzercise, all good options too. I just personally prefer yoga.
The expense tends to be the biggest issue. But this can be mediated by searching out the right studio for you. I have friends who complain about the price, but, there are quite a few studios who offer different options to suit your budget. Also, if you belong to a gym and they offer classes there, take them! More power to you, but I prefer a studio. The atmosphere is more serene and you also avoid that awkward moment when you realize some random dude pumping iron outside the glass windows of the room is starring at your ass while in downward dog. Not pleasant.
I have noticed also, since the economic downturn many studios offering 1 week, 2 week and even 1 month unlimited new student options for extremely low prices. If you know me, you know I have now taken full advantage of this and made my way to quite a few different studios. It is helpful to have this option. Every person needs time to feel out what they like best. So go take a class from all their teachers, understand what it feels like to be centered, and get a feel for what style suits you best. I recommend yoga to everyone, and yoga of any kind. Trust me, I have my favorite teachers, studios and styles, but really they are all great.
I recall back in 2005 my first yoga class. I was so intimidated by the premise of people watching me in judgement, I forced some friends to go with me. This was not only a great bonding experience for us, but also their presence pushed me farther during the class. And of course I was wrong about anyone paying any attention to me at all, besides the instructor. What is great though is you really start to feed off the energy in the room. This first time I was exposed to the healing power of savasena, the strength of the warrior pose, calming tadasena and how your proper breathing can not only impact your practice but your day to day life, was fantastic.
Seriously, not to get all spiritual, but it was transformative. At the time I was getting over a shattered shoulder, a painful break up and trying to cope with difficult classes in school, and going to yoga started helping me settle my mind immediately. Just that little speech every teacher gives at the end of practice really helps me realize life is what you make it. Every one is different but most include "Thank you for practicing this Yoga .... letting the stresses of the day wash away.... Namaste." These encouraging words are a third of the reason I keep coming back. Its kind of like a drug, and I need my fix.
Nearly 5 years later after my first class, I am back into it. Full boar. Over the summer I discovered Bikram Yoga, which is a series of 26 Asanas or poses, in a heated room 105 degrees or above. This is to assist in expelling the toxins from the body as well as helping to increase flexibility and deepening the poses. But let me forewarn you, I usually get really dizzy around the 7th or 8th pose. So dizzy in fact I have to sit down for a minute or so, which is necessary to calm my breathing and re-center. It is truly all about the breathing. However sometimes I feel like I may need to pop a Xanax before I go, but that would kind of dilute the point of going in the first place.

In addition to attending Bikram I am also taking other classes that most anyone could try. In fact I am usually taking them with people that are in the 50's. You do what you can. Thats the beauty of it. There are simple tweaks here and there that can make it easier or harder. And, I have never heard of anyone dying in a yoga class. Have you? Although I did have the unfortunate experience of cracking a few ribs in class back in September, and trust me those ribs hurt for a while. But no deaths, right?
So I now have expectations of all of you. Go out and be active. If you saw Killer at Large, just remember Shrek's call to action. You know, "get out and play for an hour a day". I have to admit it's catchy, but it's really depressing that we have to tell kids via a fake green ogre to play versus them begging us to go outside. Stupid video games. So if you have kids, be a good role model to them! If you don't, start good habits now. If you already are active, carry on.

I honor the spirit in you which is also in me.
Can't wait to see you in class! (After I get over this wicked cold.... blah.)
OMG I am the worst yogi in the world, but I have a surprising little crush on yoga. :) Seriously you are HARD CORE for getting into Bikram!
If you become an instructor I HAVE to come to LA and take a class. You'd be a great instructor.
I have excercised most of my life and only recently started doing yoga, its very rewarding and can be extremely challenging. Its something I wish I had started when I was young.. Carry on!
Thought you'd appreciate the Carry on.
And Ashley, you're hard core, you Roller Girl you.
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