Wednesday, February 24, 2010

A is for Absolutely Amazing Almonds

Like most nuts, these are not only fantastic for your heart but rich in antioxidants, densely packed with important nutrients and a handful, or 23 Amazing Almonds (about 1 oz.), a day can really keep the doctor away. So move over apples, there is a new boss in town.

Almonds top out with the most protein per bite for nuts (6 grams), as well as fiber (3 grams) and calcium (75 mg). They are also the lowest calorie nut too! But the bragging doesn't end there. They are a source for Vitamin E which helps to reduce free radical damage to the body. Also those 23 Almonds you're now eating every day is about 35% of your Daily Value (DV%) needed for that essential antioxidant.

So with all that said, what else could these tasty morsels do? They fight hunger with their fiber and provide you with mono-unsaturated fats, the "good" fats. Not only that but they serve as a prebiotic to help produce good microflora in your intestines and aid in digestion.

I found this nifty little Conquer Those Cravings application to see how you can incorporate a little Almond essence into your life instead of the tried and true popcorn, chips or candy.

Since almonds are in such an abundance in most grocery stores (even as a replacement for good ol' peanut butter, if you are looking for a lower saturated fat alternative or if you have a peanut alergy), I expect everyone to be lowering their cholesterol and gaining in heart health everyday from now on.

So go over to the bulk bins at whole foods and find a favorite, or pick up a bag at Trader Joes. I like the Dry Roasted Organic Almonds, but you can always go for the spiced or maple almonds. Although don't forget, unsalted is usually a better choice, for health purposes. If you need a little salt and spice though Try these Chipotle-Roasted Almonds.

So chop then up into a bowl of oatmeal, toast and toss into a salad, or snack on a handful a day to keep a craving away.

My boy and best friend is a fiend for these :

Almond Butter-Jelly Tortilla Rolls

2 Organic Flour Tortillas (preferably the 8 inch kind, or whatever you like. The Gluten Free Rice Tortillas a good too!)
3 tbl divided Organic Unsalted Crunchy Almond Butter (Trader Joe's brand rocks.)
2 tbl divided Organic Low Sugar or Sugar Free Jelly ( Your favorite flavor of course. I like Blackberry or Boysenberry. But today I am showcasing my Cranberry-Strawberry Jam from this winter, a little star anise and cardamom really kicked it into its full potential similar to the recipe in the Q blog.)

1. Toast tortillas in a dry skillet on medium high heat for 1 to 2 minutes on each side until toasted to your liking. Try not to burn then, all those carcinogens will cancel out the positive effects of the Almonds!

2. Let cool slightly and spread 1 1/2 tbl of Almond Butter down the middle.
Follow with 1 tbl of your jelly on top of that. Repeat for second tortilla.
3. Roll bottom in 3/4 inch and then roll up side closest to you like a burrito!
4. Devour. 

Remember portion size is key here, so try to measure your ingredients and it will save you calories in the end.

These are excellent for breakfast, lunch and just do one roll up as a snack! Genius Joel. Truly Genius.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Today I begin a New Order

Not the band, although I do love me some New Order. But I need a new order to this blog-digity.

So here it is. The Big Reveal, The order I will be going in is, drum roll please....

We are going: Back to Alphabetical Order.
I know, big deal, but hey, it was working well for me. Plus, it will work out well when I publish my book in the future, which will incidentally also be in alphabetical order.

So get ready for a rockin' good time with the amazing Alphabet!
(I may even throw a little Italian in there.)

Arrivederci for now! 

Awaiting arrival of the entry? Stay tuned, more tasty treats, good eats and sweet sensations to come. Only this time, I'll be slightly more qualified.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Seat Backs and Tray Tables in Their Full Up Right Positions

When making rash decisions, do not dye ones hair out of frustration.
Secondly, always follow your heart. This may seem like an oxymoron, however, these two bits of information are the key insight to the last month of my life.

I have been biting my time to let the news out, however, now after finding that I have a knack for making it work I can say with all my excitement and enthusiasm, I am moving to New York City in two weeks.

2 months ago, I was denied from my dream school (NYU). So as most girls do when they are upset, they do something empowering to compromise, or at least alleviate the pain of rejection. I turned to what I know best: spending money frivolously, baking and cooking a lot, eating peanut butter out of the jar with a spoon, yoga and debating a new hair color. Then of corse came the disappointment of eating all of that peanut butter and dying my hair some ridiculous mahogany, but, nonetheless, still in search of dream school number two. When I remembered, what other dream have I had for such a long time? What would connect all faucets of what I love to do? Culinary School.

In my search I thought of many solutions to aide me in my quest for spreading health and tastiness. But one  place still remained at the top of the list. The French Culinary Institute, or I guess, better yet The International Culinary Academy. So I combed the website, filled out an application paused for a moment on the submit button and clicked my mouse. (Mind you, I did not do this with a glass of wine in my hand. I have learned to never do internet searches accompanied by wine, this does not a good paring make.)

From that moment on it has been a process of figuring out how to move across county, but not only that, move across continents in June. The program I joined is actually The Italian Culinary Experience and it couldn't be more exciting. We begin in NYC, SoHo for 10 weeks and then fly to Parma, Italy to continue training at ALMA for 9 weeks. After which point we are sent off (by we I mean our class of 20 or less) to different reputable restaurants across the country in Italy for 9 more weeks. People wait their whole career for an opportunity to work in a restaurant in Europe, and its a part of this curriculum.
How amazing is that?!

So without any more jibber-jabber about how exciting my new adventure is going to be, I invite you to join me on my journey! The Cauliflower Lollipop will be going global, finally!

After my return from NYC this sunday, with the airport in full Super Bowl mode, I was elated, and a little hung over from wine with friends at The 6th Ward the night prior in New York. Celebrating my finding a sublet in Williamsburg, celebrating moving to the city, celebrating anything we could really. We toasted to having  friendships with those we love, toasted to having the courage to move into new dimensions of ourselves and toasted mostly to having the balls to do what we want.

Visiting New York City always has left an impression on me. I can feel it in my bones. All around me. But right now mostly I can feel it in my feet, because this girl is in need of some good shoes.

By the way, I'd like to make an extra special shout out to Miss Leslie Behrens, friend, beauty and baker extraordinaire. Without whom my trip would not have been such a success. Check out Momofuku Milk Bar, a new obsession of mine and an old one of Anderson Cooper's.